Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Romeow and Juliwoof- Part 1

Due to the crappy nature of this Chapter 1, all future posts in the series "Romeow and Juliwoof" have been shelved. Thank You. - Administrator.
Part 1

Chapter 1
Our tale(tail would be more fitting) begins in a small zoo in a distant city. In this distant city, in this small zoo, lived a family of cats and dogs. The cats lived a quiet life of love. They passed their hours with each other and enjoyed the moments they spent together. Led by their protective patriarch, Leonardo Felinetti, they led a life of quiet devotion and remained within their tight-knight family. To aid the aging Leonardo, 2 of his 3 sons were always on his side. The youngest, Romeow, the romantic of the family, was never there to support his family, but would rather spend his days dreaming up 'get-quick' schemes. On the other end of the zoo we meet the dogs, led so diligently by Howlangelo Woofini. Being a strict father, he was disapproaving of almost all that his family did, especially his children. Having responsibility over 3 girls would put almost any father under stress, let alone one with such beautiful girls. The prettiest of his girls was the eldest, Juliwoof. Her long, flowing locks accentuated her soft demeanor. Her delicate style fitted her body perfectly.
In the zoo, there was a constant struggle for territory. Lions and tigers, elephants and giraffes all vied to get the most space. But the greatest flight was that between the dogs and the cats. The dogs would force their strength on the cats and try to steal their land, and the cats would use their intelligence and steal their food reserves. This war had been going on for generations and it didn't seem to be settling down anytime soon. One day when the war was at it's fiercest, the two heads of family decided to meet near the orang-utan cages to reach a truce. On this day, the children from both families decided to meet and the aviaries and speak about their families and find a way to end this apparently never-ending feud. At both meetings, something went wrong. The two fathers ended up quarrelling and aggravated the situation. At the other side, Romeows' brothers and Juliwoofs' sisters were at ends over who is the superior animal. Both sides were furious at the other's blatant disregard for the other group. Romeow was, though, preoccupied with Juliwoof's beauty. In his mind, the only thing racing in circles was the thought of talking to her and perhaps asking her to meet him in private sometime later. So when neither of their siblings were looking, Romeow slipped Juliwoof a leaf with the words "Meet me here in 2 minutes" written on it. As each groups left, Romeow glanced over at Juliwoof and saw a glisten in her eyes. He was sure she would come to see him. He told his brothers that he wished to stay back and watch the birds and maybe catch one for them, to which they happily agreed. So he stayed and watched his brothers walk away. Within minutes, Juliwoof returned to the spot and told Romeow that she had to go back quickly as her sisters were waiting for her just behind the large bush that blocked the aviary. Romeow whispered into her ears "I think you are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on..." to which she replied "and you are the most handsome cat I have ever met." With those words, they looked into each other's eyes and saw their reflections. In both their eyes, they saw themselves smiling and looking content for the first time in their lives. They promised to meet again and again and to make this part of the aviary their regular meeting place. As they left, Romeow called out to her. She spun around and asked what the matter was, to which her replied "Parting is such sweet sorrow, for it takes away this moment, but brings the promise of another." She smiled, flicked her head and ran back to her sisters who were waiting impatiently. Neither of them knew what was lurking behind the thick shrub, what was waiting impatiently to spill the news to both sides. Neither of them knew that the crow was watching. Neither of them knew how he would change their lives forever.

End of Part 1

Over and Out.

Waldo! at 12:47 PM



at 6:04 AM Blogger shazzy said...

Ummm...i assume when you write Part 1, that means something follows?

Waiting :)


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