Sunday, August 22, 2004

Tale of 5 Kitties

Isn't it fun when you return home after a long vacation and you and your trip seem to be the only topic of discussion within the household. And isn't it funnier when you have to repeat the story of how you got stopped from crossing the American border a million times? Wait, no, that's just annoying. As you may have realised from the former sentence that I've had quite an...interesting (for the lack of a better word....) trip. But, I wont lie, it was worth it. I realised that Canada is a better and safer choice. Of course, I will stop by my favorite city in the World (New York) every now and then. Let's just hope I don't get arrested for being Paki. By now, you, dear reader, must be wondering what the title of this post means. You will be glad to know that when I returned home after a month abroad, I was greeted by a number of humans and a number of felines. Though the number of humans had remained unchanged, the number of felines had doubled (thanks to 1 horny male cat and 1 overly fertile female!). So from 3 when I left, we now had 6 when I returned. Unfortunately, one of the kittens had an accident and didn't survive (RIP Tara), so that brought the number down to 5. You will also be glad to know that I have been given the coveted position of Head of the Student Life Organisation in Abu Dhabi. A huge accomplishment for me. Thanks to working my butt off on the Yearbook. Anyways...that's it.

Over and Out

Waldo! at 11:17 AM



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